Hate the Windows 11 Start menu? There’s already an app to change it

Hate the Windows 11 Start menu? There’s already an app to change it
Hate the Windows 11 Start menu? There’s already an app to change it

Windows 11 has been made sure that users can not be absent from the new centrally aligned start-up menu – by recently blocking a bypass solution that did it, but there is already a third party application for the version beta of the Microsoft operating system for those who want to change this part of the interface.

Start11 is still in a beta version, but is now available for these Windows 11 tests and allows users to enter the current starter type start menu. You can go back to a “modern” task similar to Windows 10 (aligned on the left, not in the center), or you can make you time to a Windows 7 effort – whatever the best floating of your boat d ‘user interface.

The initial beta version of Start11 can be entered now for $ 5. As Central Windows, Brad Wardell, CEO of Stardock, observed: “This first beta version is designed to find some of the current features in the current Windows 11 Start menu. We have many new exciting features planned to make the boot menu either accessible, but also more useful to businesses and power users. “

This includes bringing “ideas such as the concept of pages [and] tabs”, as well as keep things gently minimalist.

Analysis: Do not forget what beta are about, although

If you really can not stand the new design of the Start menu, it’s a route away from this pain (for a small fee). More choices around the type of start menu you may want to always have a good thing, and I hope when Windows 11 is actually published, there will be an option to return to the Windows 10 menu (or something near This arrangement, anyway, even if elements like living tiles are always killed).

It makes sense that Microsoft gives users that the choice, and the only reason it is not available in the beta version of Windows 11 might be because the software giant needs people to test the new way of to work. After all, if the majority of people running Windows 11 preview are turned off in the new Start menu, then with many fewer testers using them, problems would be much less likely to be discovered.

Remember that the beta version is to test and ensure that Windows 11 works well and runs well, so it is understandable that Microsoft wants people using the boot menu reorganized (and providing comments on the Reasons why they do not like the case. Go beyond bug crushing, of course).


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