Bad news for gamers – the new RX 6600 XT may be obscenely good at cryptomining

Bad news for gamers – the new RX 6600 XT may be obscenely good at cryptomining
Bad news for gamers – the new RX 6600 XT may be obscenely good at cryptomining

The AMD RX 6600 XT does not even have a week and it is already exhausted in the big retailers, like all other graphics cards. But if new reports on its Cryptomining hashrate are true, this card could be even harder to find in the weeks and months to come.

According to Reddit User TrollaTopoulous (marked by wccftech), the latest Midrangan of AMD graphics card has the best cryptomination performance of any graphics card so far.


While a mining hash of only 32mH / s may not look like a lot next to the 125mH / s of RTX 3090, the encryption performance does not apply to raw power. All these mining platforms need electricity to run and more the most powerful GPU, the more energy it will need energy for mine Bitcoin, Ethereum or any other cryptocurrence. Unless you fly electricity, you will need to pay for this energy consumption and that electricity costs are a crucial variable for evaluating the profitability of cryptogenage.

This would make the RX 6600 XT so special. Apparently, it is able to make a hatch of 32mh / s using only 55W, which is much more effective than receiving 114MH / s of 320W, as in the case of RTX 3090, which is 3.5 times faster but consumes nearly six times more energy. With 330W of energy running six RX 6600 XTS, you can get a 192Mh / s combined hash.

We did not find the RX 6600 XT inscribed on one of the cryptivity performance tables we follow online like, which are much more authoritative than a random RA poster reddit, so until That this hax is more widely confirmed, we can not say for of course if there is really a new cryptomination champion. But if the prediction reddit fault in the next days and weeks, these cards will become much more difficult to find.

Graphics cards are already rare because of a suspension of semiconductor shortage, consumer demand and cryptocurrence price height feeding the explosion of cryptominia around the world. This last factor has seen much more volatility lately because governments like China and the United States are starting to crack more aggressively on practice.

There is also a greater thrust of the cryptus community itself to find “greener” means of the cryptocurrence mine because the current climate crisis led more public to look critically on the huge consumption. Cryptooming energy. This, in turn, will probably increase the pressure for more regulation on encryption, as it is quite populated fruits when it comes to reducing emissions, should governments never start taking real action To reduce our current level of emissions.

The more effective graphics cards will therefore see much more demand in the future because the beneficiary margins are likely to be thinner and that energy consumption becomes a much larger factor than the processing power. In short, if RX 6600 XT hash and energy consumption is consistent with this report, the demand for crypto of these cards will remain high, although it falls for other more efficient maps, more power-hungry like the RTX 3080 and RTX 3090.


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